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Sponsor a Bicycle in Cambodia


Ikhwan Services

IKHWAN SERVICES adalah sebuah syarikat yang berdaftar yang ditubuhkan sejak 2009 memenuhi keperluan masyarakat Islam di Singapura dengan menawarkan pelbagai khidmat, antaranya Program Korban / Aqiqah diluar negara, Program Ziarah Amal, Program Pendid...

Ends: December 31, 2023

Package Details


Project Status: Closed

No. of Bicycles sponsored: 10

No. of Bicycles including stationeries sponsored: 53

No. of Bicycles distributed: 5

No. of Bicycles including stationeries distributed: 46

*All bicycles include lock & basket

Above information is updated on 7th of December 2022.

Recipients will consist of students from low income families and orphans who use bicycles as their mode of transportation to school everyday travelling a distance of about 4-6km daily.

About 600 bicycles needed for distribution at 4 provinces:

  1. Kratie Province

  2. Tbong Khmum Province

  3. Chhnang Province

  4. Kandal Province

This project is managed by Ikhwan Services.

Ikhwan Services have done several projects in Cambodia.
Among them are:
  • Project Telaga Wakaf/Project Clean Water in Cambodia

  • Project Khatan Beramai-Ramai Percuma

  • Project Wakaf Al Quran

  • Project Iftar Ramadan & Agihan Korma

  • Project Aqiqah & Korban

  • Pembinaan Madrasah

  • Pembinaan Rumah Untuk Fakir Miskin

  • Fidyah

  • Project Goodwill Cambodia

Infaq.sg is a marketing partner for this project.


Qn: How can I support this project?
Ans: You may support this project to infaq a bicycle as their mode of transportation to school everyday.

Qn: How much is each bicycle?
Ans: Each bicycle (including lock & basket) will cost $175. For an additional $15, you may include a set of stationeries.

Qn: How long can the bicycle last?
Ans: The bicycle can last more than 5 years.

Qn: How will i know when my bicycle has been distributed?
Ans: Once you bicycle has been distributed, we will email you the photo of recipient with your sponsor name.


[19-Jun-2021] We have completed our second distribution of 25 bicycles and 23 stationeries at Panhea Ler District, Kandal Province.
Distribution 2

[6-Feb-2021] We have completed our first distribution of 11 bicycles and 9 stationeries at Sang District, Kandal Province.
Distribution 1

How to contribute?

Payment can be made in the following ways:

  1. By PayNow via HitPay - Click on this link or go to https://vimeo.com/461318439/7320cdbfe7#t=50s view the video on How to Pay via HitPay (PayNow).

  2. By Bank Transfer

  3. By Debit card / Credit card

  4. By Cheque

  5. Please contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997 after registration to schedule
  6. Walk-in to our office @ ISGN Pte Ltd 390 Victoria St #03-44 Golden Landmark Singapore 188061

For inquiries, you may email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997.

Get your package now

1Select Package 2Your Details 3Make Payment
Package Sales End Cost Qty
Sponsor a Bicycle including lock & basket
12 Jul 2023SGD 175Closed
Sponsor a Bicycle including lock, basket & stationeries
12 Jul 2023SGD 190Closed

Get your package now

1Select Package 2Your Details 3Make Payment
Package Sales End Cost Qty
Sponsor a Bicycle including lock & basket
12 Jul 2023SGD 175Closed
Sponsor a Bicycle including lock, basket & stationeries
12 Jul 2023SGD 190Closed

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