Wakf Al-Quran & Surah Yaasin Book In Cambodia

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Package Details
Project Status: Ongoing
No. of Al-Quran Wakf: 2,430
No. of Surah Yaasin Book Wakf: 1,395
Above information is updated on 20th of March 2025.
Waqf Al-Quran, also known as endowment or dedication of the Quran, refers to where we set aside copies of the Quran with the intention of benefiting others or gaining reward in the afterlife. It is believed that such an act of waqf can bring us closer to Allah and serve as an ongoing act of charity (Waqf) even after our lifetime.
If each letter from the recitation of the Quran is given 10 rewards, just imagine if 1 Tahfiz student reads 1 Surah.. of course, surely there'll be so much rewards and blessings by Allah S.W.T.
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) had in one of the famous hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah r.a. "When the son of Adam dies, his actions come to an end except for three; Sadaqah jariyah (ongoing charity - waqf), knowledge which brought a benefit and a pious child who makes supplication for him." (Imam Muslim).
In this Wakf project, we collaborate with an NGO in Cambodia, Organization for Community Development Cambodia ( OCDC ) to provide Al-Quran & Surah Yaasin books to the Tahfiz students in various Madrasah.
The Al-Quran & Surah Yaasin books will be distributed to the following Madrasah & Mosque in Kampong Chhnang Province:-
- Madrasah Tahfiz Mafatil Ulum
- Madrasah Tahfiz An-Neakmah
- Madrasah Tahfiz Darul Huda
- Madrasah Nurul Ehsan
- Madrasah Aman
- Madrasah Abu Talip
- Madrasah Annaikmah
- Madrasah Maahad Al-Mustaqim
- Masjid Hajah Salehah
We aim to raise 10,000 Al Quran & Surah Yaasin Books to distribute to the Tahfiz students in the Madrasah as well as the mosques.
Alhamdulillah, we have completed our 1st distribution of 805 Al-Qur'an and 425 Yaasin to communities in Khnai Kokoh village, Saeb commune, Kampong Tralach district, Kampong Chhnang province, Kingdom of Cambodia on 10 July 2024

Payment can be made in the following ways:
- By PayNow via HitPay - Click on this link or go to https://vimeo.com/461318439/7320cdbfe7#t=50s view the video on How to Pay via HitPay (PayNow).
- By Bank Transfer
- By Debit card / Credit card
- By Cheque
- Walk-in to our office @ 1 Tannery Rd, #05-01 One Tannery, Singapore 347719
Please contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997 after registration to schedule
Qn: Will I get an acknowledgment after I register and make payment?
Ans: Yes.
Qn: I've made payment via PayNow and Bank Transfers. I have not received the confirmation email. Why?
Ans: Have you replied to the registration email (Email subject is: [Infaq.SG - Infaq] (#Infaq185-XXXXX-XXXXXXXX) Wakf Al-Quran & Surah Yaasin Book In Cambodia) )) with the bank transfer screenshot?
- If no, please email so we can update the system & send you the confirmation email.
- If yes, Thank you. We will update & send you the confirmation email.
Qn: What is my Registration ID?
Ans: Your Registration ID is in this format Infaq185-XXXXX-XXXXXXXX. You can get this information in the registration email.
For inquiries, you may email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997(Ustazah Amirah) .