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Views: 14301

Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia )


IslamicSG Networks

IslamicSG Networks is a company dedicated to pioneering and investing in information technology to facilitate and enhance the lives of Muslims. It is the parent company of the IslamicEvents.SG portal.

Ends: December 31, 2025

Package Details


Project Status: Ongoing

No. of Muqaddam wakf: 18,985
No. of Muqaddam distributed: 17,825

Above information is updated on 6th of March 2025.

The seed that you plant today will grow tremendously in time to come with Allah swt permission.

Imagine an orphan or a child who picks up this book and have a teacher to recite the Quran. Someday he grows up, knowing how to read the Quran. With Allah's permission, he/she may further to pursue this knowledge and insyallah with that education aspires to help and built a better future for his community and this cycle carries on to the next generation.

This is happening in Cambodia, we begin to see a number of scholars from here that have furthered their education to Malaysia, Mesir & Mekah because of the seeds planted many years ago. We hope this campaign can further reach out to more Cambodian Muslims and may they benefit greatly from this project.

In this Wakf project, we collaborate with an NGO in Cambodia, Organization for Community Development Cambodia ( OCDC ) to provide this kitab to children, orphans, women and also to adults in Cambodia who wishes to learn to read the Al Quran beginning with the basic using the Muqaddam.

Previously, we have distributed 6,750 muqaddam to the villages, madrasah and poor students in the Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Cham and Pursat provinces.

This next muqaddam books will be distributed to the following locations (and others) in Kampong Chhnang Province:-

  1. Or Roung village

  2. Tol Rongro village

  3. Sviya Paka Toch village

  4. Palao village

  5. Villakangok village

  6. Somrong village

  7. Pham Tol village

  8. Krissah village

  9. Chhok Krananh village

  10. Preykup village

There are almost 80 Muslim villages in Kampong Chhnang Province alone.

We aim to raise to purchase 10,000 Muqaddams and to distribute to over 100 villages.

If you wish to contribute to this project, you may wakf as follows:-
Packages availableAmount
One-Time Contribution
5 books$27
10 books$50
100 books$480

We will request for each recipient to make dua for wakifs.

Price are inclusive of administration, logistical and manpower fees to run the operations for this project.

How to contribute?

Payment can be made in the following ways:
  1. By PayNow via HitPay - Click on this link or go to https://vimeo.com/461318439/7320cdbfe7#t=50s view the video on How to Pay via HitPay (PayNow).

  2. By Bank Transfer

  3. By Debit card / Credit card

  4. By Cheque

  5. Please contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997 after registration to schedule
  6. Walk-in to our office @ ISGN Pte Ltd, 1 Tannery Road #05-01 Singapore 347719 (By appointment only)

For inquiries, you may email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997.


We have completed our 6th distribution of 3,040 muqaddam to students from several districts in Cambodia. Wakf Muqaddam (Cambodia) - Photo 22

We have completed our 5th distribution of  3,480 muqaddam to Ustaz, Ustazah and students from Masinsrov Village, Veal Kangok Village and Kampong Chhnang Province. Alhamdulillah.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 20 - Distribution 05

We have distributed 140 muqaddam to Ustaz, Ustazah and students from Kampong Chhnang Province. Alhamdulillah.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 19 - Distribution 05

We have distributed 500 muqaddam to Ustaz, Ustazah and students from Madrasah Sen Chamran Village, Madrasah Al-Rahmah, Madrasah in Bomil Village and Madrasah in Soi Village. Alhamdulillah.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 18 - Distribution 05

We have distributed 375 muqaddam to Ustaz, Ustazah and students from Madrasah Nurul Muttaqin, Madrasah Buttos and Surau Fahim. Alhamdulillah.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 17 - Distribution 05

We have distributed 2,585 muqaddam to Ustaz, Ustazah and students from Madrasah Ampik Pi Village, Masjid in Khnachchum village, Trapaing Prolit village and poor students in Prekop Village.

We have distributed 1,505 muqaddam to Ustaz, Ustazah and students from Madrasah Ampik Pi Village, Masjid in Khnachchum village, Trapaing Prolit village and poor students at Ibnu Sina School.

We have distributed 220 muqaddam to Ustaz, Ustazah and students from Madrasah Doung Village, Surau Niakmah and Masjid Nurussalam. Alhamdulillah. We have completed our 2nd batch of distribution.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 12 - Distribution 02

We have distributed 202 muqaddam to Ustaz Asy'Ary and Madrasah students in Ampil Village, Tuan Yousof and students in Krabey Krak and Samjai villages.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 11 - Distribution 02

We have distributed 713 muqaddam to Ustaz, Ustazah and students from Madrasah Darussalam in Popilka village, Papang Prasot village, Anlongroong village and Masjid Al-Habib Chhouk village, Phnom Penh.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 10 - Distribution 02

We have distributed 690 muqaddam to principal, Ustaz and students from Madrasah Ihya'uddin (Afternoon Class), Madrasah Salafee, Madrasah Nurul Ehsan and Ustaz Ariffin from Jemaah Surau Rahim, km 8, Phnom Penh.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 9 - Distribution 02

We have distributed 400 muqaddam to Imam Masjid Nurunna'im, Ustaz and students at Madrasah Ihya'uddin (Morning Class) km 8, Phnom Penh.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 8 - Distribution 02

We have distributed 275 muqaddam to Ustaz and muslim students in Beng Thmey and Samcharan villages, Seda commune, Dambe district, Tbong Khmum Province.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 7 - Distribution 02

We have distributed 249 muqaddam to Ustaz and muslim students in Phom Buon and Phom Khor villages in Russeykeo district, Phnom Penh.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 6

We have distributed 646 muqaddam to Ustaz and muslim students in Jiro Changvar Krau village, Madrasah / Masjid Ek raingsey, Madrasah Darussalam, Madrasah Rahmah in Chroy Changvar district, Madrasah Perik Raing in Prek Raining village and Batu 8, Russeykeo district.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 5

We have distributed 400 muqaddam to muslim students in Chroi Changvar village and Kan Klang village, Phnom Penh.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 4

We have distributed 200 muqaddam to teachers and muslim students in Prek Taprum village, Kandal province.

We have distributed 700 muqaddam to the Lumphat, 7 Makara, Tern, Ta'ongkaté, Sralao, O'ampov, Phum Thmei, Kjout, Katé Pi, Un Pi, Trang, Phum Lei, Somkul, Somtrok, Deh, Kok Prov villages as well as teachers at Madrasah at Al-Rahmah school in Rattanakiri province.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Photo 2

We have distributed 305 muqaddam to the Phsar Trach, Sala Lek Pram Ming Yam, Tuol Pong Ro and Krassah Thmey villages in the Kampong Chhnang province.
Wakf Muqaddam ( Cambodia ) - Distribution 15-Aug-2020

Get your package now

1Select Package 2Your Details 3Make Payment
Package Sales End Cost Qty
Wakf Muqaddam - 5 books
31 Dec 2025SGD 27
Wakf Muqaddam - 10 books
31 Dec 2025SGD 50
Wakf Muqaddam - 100 books
31 Dec 2025SGD 480
Register »
Recurring Packages
Wakf Muqaddam - 5 books (Monthly)25 Nov 2022 SGD 25 Monthly till 31 Dec 2021 Closed
Wakf Muqaddam - 10 books (Monthly)25 Nov 2022 SGD 48 Monthly till 31 Dec 2021 Closed

Get your package now

1Select Package 2Your Details 3Make Payment
Package Sales End Cost Qty
Wakf Muqaddam - 5 books
31 Dec 2025SGD 27
Wakf Muqaddam - 10 books
31 Dec 2025SGD 50
Wakf Muqaddam - 100 books
31 Dec 2025SGD 480
Register »
Recurring Packages
Wakf Muqaddam - 5 books (Monthly)25 Nov 2022 SGD 25 Monthly till 31 Dec 2021 Closed
Wakf Muqaddam - 10 books (Monthly)25 Nov 2022 SGD 48 Monthly till 31 Dec 2021 Closed

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