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Views: 9402

Ramadan Mutton Project 2019 / 1440H



IslamicEvents.SG aims to be a one-stop community portal which is dedicated to providing detailed information on Islamic religious classes and courses as well as Islam-related events and happenings in Singapore, for the ease and convenience of Muslims...

Ends: May 30, 2019

Package Details

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,

Alhamdulillah. Ramadan will soon meet us again this year insyallah. This year we are looking to provide fresh and frozen mutton to the organisations that benefitted from our Ramadan Mutton projects for the past three years.

This project will help to greatly reduce the costs for organisations that provide porridge for iftar and iftar meals for Ramadan 2019.

All are welcome to contribute! :)

Fresh/Chill Mutton (Less than 1 week of slaughtering)
• 1kg - $22
• 2kg - $42
• 5kg - $105
• 10kg - $208
• (1 sheep) - 18kg $350

If you choose to sponsor 1 sheep or more, you may choose the option of performing Aqiqah, Nazar or Sadaqah.

For Aqiqah, you may request for some meat delivered to your Home. This will be delivered within 7 to 14 days from the slaughter date.

- Closing Date for Fresh Mutton: 10th May 2019 -
- Slaughtering dates: 30th April 2019, 7th May 2019 & 14th May 2019

For Nazar & Sadaqah, all the meat will be given to the respective organisations.

Frozen Mutton (More than 1 month stored in Freezer)
• 1kg - $16
• 2kg - $31
• 5kg - $76
• 10kg - $150

- Closing Date for Frozen Mutton: 31st May 2019 -

All costs for administration & logistics - air flown, cutting and delivery to organisations are already included.

In the last 3 years, we managed to help the mosques ad organisations feed more than 30,000 people through the daily iftars and special events. This year by starting this project early, we hope to raise more so we can cater to the needs of the organisations.

For sponsors, you will receive reports of the meat distribution throughout and after Ramadan 2019. Postings will also be broadcasted in IslamicEvents newsletters and blog >> www.islamicevents.sg/blog.


1) How will I know the project has been completed?
- There will be ongoing reports in our newsletter. Do subscribe to it here.

2) How do I make payment?
- Payment can be made in the following ways:

i) By Cheque
ii) By Bank Transfer
iii) By Debit/Credit Card/Paypal
iv) Home Collection - For payments $200 and above (cash only). Do email us at [email protected] your preferred date/time for the collection.

For inquiries, you may email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997.

Get your package now

1Select Package 2Your Details 3Make Payment
Package Sales End Cost Qty
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 1kg Fresh Mutton
10 May 2019SGD 22Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 2kg Fresh Mutton
10 May 2019SGD 42Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 10kg Fresh Mutton
10 May 2019SGD 208Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 5kg Fresh Mutton
10 May 2019SGD 105Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 18kg ( 1 Sheep ) Fresh Mutton
If you choose to sponsor 1 sheep or more, you may choose the option of performing Aqiqah, Nazar or Sadaqah.

For Aqiqah, you may request for some meat delivered to your Home. This will be delivered within 7 to 14 days from the slaughter date.

- Closing Date for Fresh Mutton: 10th May 2019 -
- Slaughtering dates: 30th April 2019, 7th May 2019 & 14th May 2019
10 May 2019SGD 350Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 1kg Frozen Mutton
30 May 2019SGD 16Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 2kg Frozen Mutton
30 May 2019SGD 31Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 5kg Frozen Mutton
30 May 2019SGD 76Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 10kg Frozen Mutton
30 May 2019SGD 150Closed

Get your package now

1Select Package 2Your Details 3Make Payment
Package Sales End Cost Qty
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 1kg Fresh Mutton
10 May 2019SGD 22Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 2kg Fresh Mutton
10 May 2019SGD 42Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 10kg Fresh Mutton
10 May 2019SGD 208Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 5kg Fresh Mutton
10 May 2019SGD 105Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 18kg ( 1 Sheep ) Fresh Mutton
If you choose to sponsor 1 sheep or more, you may choose the option of performing Aqiqah, Nazar or Sadaqah.

For Aqiqah, you may request for some meat delivered to your Home. This will be delivered within 7 to 14 days from the slaughter date.

- Closing Date for Fresh Mutton: 10th May 2019 -
- Slaughtering dates: 30th April 2019, 7th May 2019 & 14th May 2019
10 May 2019SGD 350Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 1kg Frozen Mutton
30 May 2019SGD 16Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 2kg Frozen Mutton
30 May 2019SGD 31Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 5kg Frozen Mutton
30 May 2019SGD 76Closed
Ramadan Mutton Project 2019/1440H: Sponsor 10kg Frozen Mutton
30 May 2019SGD 150Closed

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