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Views: 5926

Semurni Kasih Iftar Ramadhan

Ends: April 04, 2024

Package Details

Project Status: Closed

Total No. of Iftar Meals sponsored: 243

Above information is updated on the 4th of April 2024.


Semurni Kasih Iftar Ramadhan is an initiative that provides meals for single moms with more than 4 children and special needs during this Ramadhan.

In support of Wondrously Women GEM (Good Enough Me), is an organization dedicated to empowerment and inspiring change in single moms and women's lives. We can hold a campaign to shine a light on Ramadan for the needy.

Your support allows them to conduct their ibadah with ease and sufficient nourishment.

You are the pillar that fosters social bonds among the community and raises awareness about the value of giving during Ramadhan.

Rasulullah s.a.w mentioned that: "Whoever gives iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the fasting person's reward in the slightest.” (Hadith Riwayat at-Tarmidzi)

*A percentage of the funds collected will go towards administration fees for Infaq.SG.


Semurni Kasih Iftar Ramadhan adalah sebuah inisiatif yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan bantuan makanan berbuka puasa bagi Iibu tunggal yang mempunyai lebih daripada 4 orang anak dan berkeperluan khas selama bulan Ramadhan.

Dengan sokongan Wondrously Woman GEM (Good Enough Me), sebuah badan organisasi yang mendedikasikan dan memberi inspirasi kepada perubahan kepada ibu tunggal dan kehidupan wanita. Kami dapat mengadakan sebuah kempen untuk menyinarkan Ramadhan bagi golongan yang memerlukan.

Sumbangan anda dapat membantu mereka untuk menjalankan ibadah puasa dengan tenang dan kecukupan makanan.

Anda juga adalah sumber ikatan sosial antara masyarakat yang peduli dengan yang membutuhkan, serta meningkatkan kesedaran akan pentingnya berbagi rezeki di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Sesiapa yang memberi buka orang yang berpuasa, maka dia akan mendapat pahala seperti pahala orang yang puasa itu, tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yang berpuasa itu sedikitpun."(Hadis riwayat at-Tirmidzi)


Payment can be made in the following ways:

  1. By PayNow via HitPay - Click on this link or go to https://vimeo.com/461318439/7320cdbfe7#t=50s view the video on How to Pay via HitPay (PayNow).

  2. By Bank Transfer

  3. By Debit card / Credit card

  4. By Cheque

  5. Please contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997 after registration to schedule
  6. Walk-in to our office @ 1 Tannery Rd, #05-01 One Tannery, Singapore 347719


Qn: Will I get an acknowledgment after I register and make payment?
Ans: Yes.
  • For Bank Transfers, please reply to the registration email (Email subject is: [Infaq.SG - Infaq] (#Infaq219 -XXXXX-XXXXXXXX) Semurni Kasih Iftar Ramadhan Fundraising )) with the screenshot of the transfer transaction so that we can update our system and send you the confirmation email. Please ensure that the screenshot contains the UEN/Recipient's bank account number and amount.

  • For cheques, we will send you the confirmation email once the cheque is cleared.

  • Qn: I've made payment via PayNow and Bank Transfers. I have not received the confirmation email. Why?
    Ans: Have you replied to the registration email (Email subject is: [Infaq.SG - Infaq] (#Infaq219 -XXXXX-XXXXXXXX) Semurni Kasih Iftar Ramadhan Fundraising ) )) with the bank transfer screenshot?
    • If no, please email so we can update the system & send you the confirmation email.

    • If yes, Thank you. We will update & send you the confirmation email.

    Qn: What is my Registration ID?
    Ans: Your Registration ID is in this format Infaq219-XXXXX-XXXXXXXX. You can get this information in the registration email.

    For inquiries, you may email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997(Ustazah Amirah) .

    Get your package now

    1Select Package 2Your Details 3Make Payment
    Package Sales End Cost Qty
    Sponsor 1 Set of Iftar Ramadhan
    4 Apr 2024SGD 50Closed
    Sponsor 3 Sets of Iftar Ramadhan
    4 Apr 2024SGD 150Closed
    Sponsor 5 Sets of Iftar Ramadhan
    4 Apr 2024SGD 250Closed
    Sponsor 10 Sets of Iftar Ramadhan
    4 Apr 2024SGD 500Closed

    Get your package now

    1Select Package 2Your Details 3Make Payment
    Package Sales End Cost Qty
    Sponsor 1 Set of Iftar Ramadhan
    4 Apr 2024SGD 50Closed
    Sponsor 3 Sets of Iftar Ramadhan
    4 Apr 2024SGD 150Closed
    Sponsor 5 Sets of Iftar Ramadhan
    4 Apr 2024SGD 250Closed
    Sponsor 10 Sets of Iftar Ramadhan
    4 Apr 2024SGD 500Closed

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