Student Tables In Cambodia

IslamicEvents.SG aims to be a one-stop community portal which is dedicated to providing detailed information on Islamic religious classes and courses as well as Islam-related events and happenings in Singapore, for the ease and convenience of Muslims...

Package Details
Project Status: Closed
No. of Student Tables sponsored: 24
No. of Student Tables distributed: 0
Above information is updated on 20th of December 2023.
Bringing pleasure to students, especially for the purpose of education and learning, is considered a virtuous act of charity. Providing support to students also can help them access education, improve their skills, and contribute positively to their communities.
Students in Singapore have access to quality educational resources. However, in Cambodia, especially in rural or underprivileged areas, schools may lack proper classroom furniture such as desks and chairs. As a result, students might have to sit on the ground to study.
While sitting on the ground might not be ideal for studying due to potential discomfort, it is important to recognize that many students in Cambodia face such situations due to various challenges. We aim to collect 328 sets of tables and deliver them to various Madrasah:
1. Madrasah Al-Ehsan
2. Madrasah Al-Amaniyah
3. Madrasah Al-Quran Memorization
4. Madrasah Islam Somrong
5. Madrasah An-Neakmah
6. Tanjung Islamic School
The current situation of students having their class on the ground.
Student Tables Available | Amount |
Sponsor 1 Set of Student Tables | $88 |
Sponsor 3 Set of Student Tables | $260 |
Sponsor 5 Set of Student Tables | $430 |
Sponsor 10 Set of Student Tables | $860 |
Payment can be made in the following ways:
- By PayNow via HitPay - Click on this link or go to view the video on How to Pay via HitPay (PayNow).
- By Bank Transfer
- By Debit card / Credit card
- By Cheque
- Walk-in to our office @ 1 Tannery Rd, #05-01 One Tannery, Singapore 347719
Please contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997 after registration to schedule
Qn: Will I get an acknowledgment after I register and make payment?
Ans: Yes.
Qn: I've made payment via PayNow and Bank Transfers. I have not received the confirmation email. Why?
Ans: Have you replied to the registration email (Email subject is: [Infaq.SG - Infaq] (#Infaq190-XXXXX-XXXXXXXX) Student Tables In Cambodia) )) with the bank transfer screenshot?
- If no, please email so we can update the system & send you the confirmation email.
- If yes, Thank you. We will update & send you the confirmation email.
Qn: What is my Registration ID?
Ans: Your Registration ID is in this format Infaq190-XXXXX-XXXXXXXX. You can get this information in the registration email.
For inquiries, you may email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997(Ustazah Amirah).