Sponsor A School Uniform In Cambodia

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Package Details
Project Status: Closed
Children who do not have school uniforms have no choice but to wear house clothes and slippers to school. We hope to raise fund to provide 170 school uniform aid for the students.
No. of School Boys Uniform sponsored: 112
No. of School Girls Uniform sponsored: 73
No. of School Boys Uniform distributed: 112
No. of School Girls Uniform distributed: 73
Above information is updated on 15th of June 2022.
We have completed our distribution of 112 school boys uniforms and 73 school girl uniforms to the students in Cambodia on 17-Jan 2022, Monday.

Payment can be made in the following ways:
- By PayNow via HitPay - Click on this link or go to https://vimeo.com/461318439/7320cdbfe7#t=50s view the video on How to Pay via HitPay (PayNow).
- By Bank Transfer
- By Paypal / Debit card / Credit card
- By Cheque
- Walk-in to our office @ 71 Ubi Road 1 #10-47 (Lift Lobby 4) Oxley Bizhub Singapore 408732 (By appointment only)
Please contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997 after registration to schedule
Qn: Will i get an acknowledgement after i register and make payment?
Ans: Yes.
- For PayPal, you will get a confirmation email after your Paypal and HitPay transaction is successful.
- For Bank Transfers, please reply to the registration email (Email subject is: [Infaq.SG - Infaq] (#Infaq114-XXXXX-XXXXXXXX) Sponsor A School Uniform In Cambodia) )) with the screenshot of the transfer transaction so that we can update our system and send you the confirmation email. Please ensure that the screenshot contains the UEN/Recipient's bank account number and amount.
- For cheques, we will send you the confirmation email once the cheque is cleared.
Qn: I've made payment via PayNow and Bank Transfers. I have not received the confirmation email. Why?
Ans: Have you replied to the registration email (Email subject is: [Infaq.SG - Infaq] (#Infaq114-XXXXX-XXXXXXXX)Sponsor A School Uniform In Cambodia) )) with the bank transfer screenshot?
- If no, please email so we can update the system & send you the confirmation email.
- If yes, Thank you. We will update & send you the confirmation email.
Qn: What is my Registration ID?
Ans: Your Registration ID is in this format Infaq114-XXXXX-XXXXXXXX. You can get this information in the registration email.
For inquiries, you may email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at 9118 3997.